Principal's Message
The Principal’s Page
From the Desk of Eddie Ikert
Elementary Principal
I hope everyone had a fun and safe hunting season and holiday season! We continue to be busy in the Elementary School. Ms. Seefeldt did an amazing job putting together the holiday concert which was well attended. Hats off to her for all of her hard work and dedication to our music program. The teachers also did a great job planning fun and engaging activities around the holiday season which continues to promote a positive environment for everyone in the building. Students and staff also rallied around one of our families who needs some support during a difficult time. It is always rewarding to see students show such compassion and come together to help others.
One of our 2nd Grade teachers, Mrs. Wendy Comstock, was recognized for her hard work and brilliance as an educator through the Crystal Apple Award program. Mrs. Comstock was selected as a Teacher of Distinction, which makes her one of 25 finalists for the Crystal Apple Award which will be announced later this year.
Students continue to work through our new curriculum. Through this they are covering topics such as the sky, moon, and stars, fossils, Peter Pan, animal defense mechanisms, and the rain forest. Teachers are working hard to make these engaging topics and are looking at ways to incorporate our own community resources, including our school forests. There are many exciting ideas for future projects and learning opportunities.
I hope everyone enjoys the rest of our winter and stays safe. It’s always a great day to be a Spencer Rocket!